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Author: Yasemin Dursun

Eyelash extensions and allergies: causes, symptoms and tips for prevention

Eyelash extensions can give your eyes more intensity and boost your self-confidence. But for some people, this beauty trend can have unpleasant consequences, such as an allergic reaction. In this article, we look at when an allergy occurs after eyelash extensions and what you should know about it as a customer and professional.

What is an eyelash extension?
Before we turn to the question of allergic reactions, let's first understand what eyelash extensions are. An eyelash extension is a cosmetic procedure in which artificial eyelashes are applied to your natural eyelashes to make them appear longer, fuller and more attractive. This treatment is usually performed by professionals in beauty salons or studios and is becoming increasingly popular.

Allergic reactions after eyelash extensions
Although eyelash extensions are safe for most people, they can cause allergic reactions in some people. These reactions can vary and range from mild irritation to more severe symptoms. The most common signs of an allergic reaction include
  1. Redness and swelling: your eyelids may turn red and swell, which can cause uncomfortable itching.
  2. Burning and tearing: A burning sensation in the eyes, accompanied by increased tearing, may indicate an allergic reaction.
  3. Skin rashes: A rash around the eyes is another common sign of an allergic reaction to eyelash extensions.
  4. Discomfort: A general feeling of discomfort or pressure around the eyes may also occur.
When does an allergy occur?
An allergic reaction after eyelash extensions can occur immediately or develop gradually. Some people may notice symptoms during the treatment, while for others it may take a few hours or even days for the reaction to manifest. This depends on your individual sensitivity to the adhesives and materials used.

Causes of allergic reactions
The main cause of allergic reactions after eyelash extensions are the chemicals contained in the adhesives and materials. Some people are more sensitive to certain ingredients contained in these products, which can lead to allergic reactions.

What should you do?
If you notice allergic reactions after eyelash extensions, it is important to inform your specialist immediately. They can give you advice and possibly remove the artificial eyelashes safely to avoid further irritation. You should also consult a doctor if the symptoms are severe or persist for a long time.

What should professionals do?
It is important for professionals who perform eyelash extensions to educate clients about possible risks and allergic reactions. They should also ensure that they use high-quality products that are less likely to cause allergic reactions. In addition, it is advisable to address the individual needs and sensitivities of each client and use alternative products or techniques where appropriate.

Do you already know our LUV System®?
Our LUV System ® offers an innovative solution for customers who are prone to allergic reactions. By using UV glue and a UV lamp, we can reduce allergic reactions in over 80% of affected customers. So if you've had an allergic reaction to eyelash extensions in the past, our LUV System® could be the solution you've been looking for. Ask your specialist about this option and enjoy the look of eyelash extensions again, without the unpleasant side effects.

Overall, eyelash extensions can produce a beautiful result, but it's important to understand the potential risks, including allergic reactions. With good communication between clients and professionals and the use of high-quality products, most risks can be minimized.

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