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Author: Yasemin Dursun

What you need to know about eye mites in the eyelashes

Everyone knows that mites like to live in the mattress - but did you also know that eye mites like to make themselves at home in our eyelashes? Find out here when eye mites in the eyelashes really become a danger to the eyes, what symptoms to look out for and what you can do about them.

What are eyelash mites?

Eyelash mites, also known as Demodex folliculorum in technical jargon, are a special type of mite that are native to human eyelashes. Where there is enough sebum, they can feed - so this can also happen on other parts of the face or body. According to statistics, almost everyone has to deal with eyelash mites in the course of their lives. From the age of 70, for example, they affect almost everyone. Did you know? People with particularly oily skin are more prone to eye mites. The same goes for people who don't take facial care very seriously or neglect to remove make-up. In these cases, it is therefore important to increase hygiene so that these beasts do not multiply unpleasantly.
Not only do eye mites live in the eyelashes, they can also be transmitted from person to person and even from animal to person. The latter is especially true when pets sleep in people's beds. This is particularly the case with dogs.

Are eye mites dangerous?

Admittedly, the subject is a little unpleasant, not to say disgusting, but eye mites in eyelashes are not dangerous for humans. Even if the idea of these roommates in the eyes is more than unpleasant. The fact is, however, that some symptoms can be signs that too many eye mites have taken up residence - in this case there is no way around an eye specialist and treatment.

What are the symptoms of eye mites?

As already mentioned, we all have eye mites in our eyelashes, also known as hair follicle mites. Most of the time we don't feel them because they feed silently on the sebum on our face and body. However, if you notice the first symptoms such as red eyes, itchy eyes or inflammation of the eye, it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist.
In this context, it is also interesting to note that men are more frequently afflicted by mite infestation, which can be explained by their body hair but also by a lack of facial hygiene. So when a woman removes her make-up in the evening, she should invite her loved one for a round of facial cleansing.

What can you do about eye mites?

Once the eye mites have multiplied in the eyelashes, an ophthalmologist must be consulted. He or she will then prescribe the appropriate preparations such as eye drops or ointments. Tea tree oil is often used to get rid of these annoying beasts, but you should never act on your own initiative, as not every oil is made to be applied to the eye. It is best to discuss this with an ophthalmologist and seek advice.

But before you even get that far, you should attach great importance to hygiene. Especially when it comes to choosing an eyelash studio, because if the work is not done properly, it could be too late. Eye hygiene is particularly important! That's why all make-up enthusiasts should remove their make-up every evening before going to bed, otherwise it will encourage increased sebum production, which eye mites love.

Anyone who wears laser extensions should therefore clean their eyelashes thoroughly with a suitable eyelash shampoo on a regular basis. Home care is not only important to keep the extensions looking beautiful for a long time, but also to prevent infections and eye mites.

Particularly in the winter months, attention should be paid to the immune system, because if it is not fit, diseases are quickly favored. Eye mites can also multiply quickly. The proliferation of eye mites is also promoted by alcohol, smoking, stress, extreme temperature changes, spicy food, highly seasoned food and sleeping without first removing make-up.

We hope to have given you some interesting information today and look forward to your feedback.

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