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Eyebrow comb | eyelash comb | white

Refine your eyelash and eyebrow service with our eyebrow brush with lash comb - the essential precision tool for stylists.

Product information "Eyebrow comb | eyelash comb | white"

Refine your eyelash and eyebrow service with our eyebrow brush with lash comb - the essential precision tool for stylists. This versatile tool effortlessly separates, shapes and enhances lashes and brows to guarantee your clients a perfect result. The fine tine comb and high-quality bristle brush enable precise applications for longer, thicker lashes and perfectly shaped eyebrows.

In white, approx. 13 cm long, high-quality workmanship and easy to clean - the ideal addition for professional eyelash and eyebrow treatments.

Scope of delivery:
1 x eyebrow comb / eyelash comb

Treat your customers to an impressive eye look and perfectly shaped eyebrows!

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For commercial use only. Keep out of the reach of children!

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Eyebrow measuring tape | 1 roll | 50 pieces
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Eyebrow tweezers | Professional | No 7 | Black Edition
Optimize your everyday work as an eyebrow stylist with our professional tweezers - the indispensable tool for precise eyebrow treatments.Features:The straight design and slim, wide beak allow for precise control, while the silver-polished tips ensure a firm grip.The high-quality finish and anti-static material ensure effortless handling and outstanding results.The black elegance of these tweezers will add a stylish touch to your workplace. Scope of delivery:1 x Eyebrow Tweezers No 7 | Black EditionSay goodbye to compromises and opt for the professional tweezers that will take your eyebrow creations to the next level. Order now and expand your toolkit with the ultimate tool for perfect results!


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