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To the bundlesProduct information "Silicone pads | EXTRA SOFT | EXTRA FLEXIBLE"
The Liftcom silicone pads *Extra SOFT & FLEXIBLE* from CFB Cosmetics allow you to optimally align, separate and fix your natural lashes. At the same time, they prevent hairs from crossing. The result: fantastic lifting results and a unique look.
- Silicone pads - Extra soft & flexible
- Reusable
- Available in sizes S, M, M1, M2 or L!
- Content: 5 pairs
⬇️ Product video:
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The silicone pads cannot be exchanged for hygienic reasons.
17 January 2025 13:34
Komme nur mit diesen klar
Es sind einfach die besten auf dem Markt. Sie sind soft (angenehm am Auge) und so flexibel dass sie sich an jedes Auge anpassen. Mit allen anderen hatte ich Probleme. Top zu empfehlen.
22 January 2025 12:10
Super für Anfänger
Die besten für Anfänger. Unkompliziert und sicher.
Silicone pads for lash lifting / lamination in comparison
CFBC Lash Lifting, Silikonpads
Genau das, was qualitätsbewusste Beautymaker brauchen – einfach perfekt!
Advantages of Liftcom® Lash & Brow Lifting
- Natural look: eyelash lifting enhances the natural beauty of your own eyelashes by giving them a permanent curl. The result often looks more natural than artificial eyelashes.
- No refill necessary: Unlike eyelash extensions, which require regular refills, no refill is necessary after an eyelash lift. This saves time and money in your daily routine.
- Long-lasting results: An eyelash lift usually lasts for several weeks, making it a practical solution for everyday use.
- Improving eyelash structure: The treatment can also help to strengthen the eyelashes and improve their health.
- Effect: Visually longer and thicker eyelashes: By lifting and shaping the eyelashes, they appear visually longer and thicker, giving the eyes an impressive and intense look.
Eyebrow lift:
- Defined look: an eyebrow lift helps to shape and define the eyebrows, making the face appear more expressive and groomed.
- Adaptation to the face shape: The eyebrows can be adapted to the shape of the face to emphasize the best facial features.
- Long-term shaping: Unlike daily styling, which takes time, an eyebrow lift offers a long-term solution for shaping the eyebrows.
- Thickening the appearance of the eyebrows: For people with thin or patchy eyebrows, a brow lift can help achieve a fuller appearance.

Illustrated step-by-step guide for perfect lash lifting
Discover our fully illustrated guide specially developed for beauty experts. It provides detailed illustrations for each step of the lash lifting process. This guide is ideal for beginners and experienced professionals who want to refine their technique.
Use this guide to perfect your technique in lash lifting and boost your clients' confidence in your professionalism. Immerse yourself in the world of perfect lash lifting now and expand your skills with our guide.
Liftcom® Lotions Regular
Application times for eyelashes:Lotion 1:
- Thin lashes: 8-10 minutes
- Normal lashes: 10-12 minutes
- Thick lashes: 12-14 minutes
Lotion 2:
- 6-8 minutes
- (The application time of Lotion 2 must be half the application time of Lotion 1, but at least 6 minutes).
Application times for eyebrows:
Lotion 1: 2-3 minutes shorter than for eyelashes
Lotion 2: at least 6 minutes
- Eyelashes and eyebrows can be tinted immediately after lifting. The application time for the eyelash and eyebrow tint is 3 minutes.
Excellent quality: Liftcom® Lash & Brow Lifting Lotions win Beauty Forum Stars Award 2021
We are delighted to announce that our Liftcom® Lash & Brow Lifting Lotions have achieved an impressive 3rd place in the prestigious Beauty Forum Stars Award 2021. This award is a testament to the exceptional quality and effectiveness of our products.
Recognized by experts and users:
- Beauty Forum Stars Award 2021: our lotions were voted for by Beauty Forum's expert readers and product users, confirming their high level of acceptance and satisfaction among beauty industry professionals.
- Third place as a sign of excellence: 3rd place in this prestigious competition reflects our commitment to the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction.
- Confidence through recognition: This award reinforces our commitment to always offer you and your customers first-class products.
Liftcom® Lash & Brow Lifting Lotions are not only a symbol of quality, but also of recognition by industry experts and users. Choose Liftcom® for award-winning results and trust a brand that is recognized by the best in the beauty industry.
Discover the award-winning difference with our Liftcom® lotions. For more information about our products and their awards, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Online training as a gift: you benefit when you buy our Basic Set!
With the purchase of our Basic Set, you will receive our comprehensive online training as a special gift. Discover the numerous advantages of online training:
Advantages of online training:
- Convenient learning from home: Acquire new knowledge and skills without having to leave your home.
- Accessible worldwide: Our online training courses are available to students all over the world.
- Flexibility: Easily combine your training with family and work.
- No time constraints: Complete our online courses at your own pace, without stress.
- Professional support: Our professionals are at your side during the online training.
- Live hands-on instruction: Watch your trainer closely during a complete application - a feature not possible with on-site training.
- Access from anywhere: Learn online and on the go as long as you have an internet connection - via laptop, tablet or cell phone.
- No travel costs: Save time and money by avoiding expensive travel costs and overnight stays.
- No loss of revenue: Further training without sacrificing your income.
- Unlimited access: Our training videos are available indefinitely, so you can repeat them as often as you like.
- Comprehensive material: Our training courses offer more than just step-by-step instructions, including bonus material such as videos, PDF files and exercise sheets.
- Certificate: After reviewing your before/after pictures, you will receive a certificate within 6 months.
- Student discount: Benefit from a 10% student discount in the CFB Shop for one year after completing the training.