UV eyelash glue | transparent
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Special features: Oil & water resistant
Filling: 4 g
Speed: 1 - 3 seconds
Humidity: irrelevant
Room temperature: irrelevant
Vapors: hardly present
Viscosity: liquid
Shelf life of the extensions: 6 to 8 weeks
Color: transparent
Shelf life unopened: 12 months
Shelf life after opening: 12 months (without contact with light/daylight/UV light)
Suitable for: Single lashes & volume techniques
Curing: only with a UV lamp
Complete removal of the UV adhesive: Gel Remover / Cream Remover
Recommended glue pads: Disposable glue pad block or glue cup
Scope of delivery:
1 x UV adhesive 4 g
2 x glue nozzle with lid
1 x mini UV light
Product feature:
Our UV eyelash glue impresses with a special formulation based on the synergy of two essential components: Cyanoacrylate and a photoinitiator.
This unique combination not only enables easy application and exceptional durability of the eyelash extensions, but also ensures reliable and safe curing of the adhesive.
Storage instructions:
To ensure the long-term quality of your eyelash glue, it is important to close it carefully after each use. Store the glue in a cool, dry place, away from direct light. Storage in the refrigerator is not recommended to ensure the optimum consistency of the adhesive.
For optimum storage, we recommend positioning the tube with the tip facing upwards.
Invest in professional quality for perfect UV eyelash extensions. Order the LUV UV eyelash glue now!
4 February 2025 09:56
Besser gehts nicht!
In Kombi mit der UV Lampe ein Dream Team. Ich arbeite nur noch mit UV Kleber und Lampe.
28 January 2025 10:19
Ich bin absolut begeistert!
Der Kleber härtet extrem schnell aus, sodass ich keine langen Trockenzeiten mehr habe. Kein Verkleben der Wimpern und super Haltbarkeit. Meine Kundinnen lieben es. Perfekt für Profis.
28 January 2025 10:27
Dieser Kleber hat mich überzeugt.
Ich arbeite schon seit Jahren als Wimpernstylistin, und dieser UV Kleber ist mein neuer Favorit. Die Dämpfe sind minimal, und das Ergebnis hält bombenfest. Endlich ein Produkt, das alle Versprechen hält.
28 January 2025 11:37
Gesucht und gefunden
Ich habe bereits mehrere getestet, aber war nicht zufrieden. Ich bin durch eine Kollegin auf den UV Kleber von CFB aufmerksam geworden und ich bin ihr für die Empfehlung dankbar. Ich bestelle seit dem nur die UV Kleber von hier. Danke danke danke
29 January 2025 11:19
The one and only ❤️❤️❤️
Nie mehr ein anderer ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
29 January 2025 11:39
super halt & schnelles aushärten 👍👍
Ich bin absolut begeistert vom UV Wimpernkleber. Die Aushärtung ist blitzschnell, und die Haltbarkeit der Extensions hat sich spürbar verbessert. Meine Kundinnen sind super zufrieden. 🥰
30 January 2025 08:41
🥰🥰 Liebe UV Kleber
Was soll ich sagen ich liiiiiiebe es. 🥰 Danke cfb es ist ein super Kleber
26 February 2025 09:20
Einfach ein Gamechanger
Seit 2022 keinen anderen Kleber mehr verwendet. Wo soll ich anfangen: - Hält unfassbar lange bis zum letzten verbrauche ich jeden Tropfen 😅 - Super Haltbarkeit - Perfekte Konsistenz - liebe es dass ich den Kleber nicht schütteln muss, hab das bei herkömmlichem Kleber gehasst, weil es mich immer in meiner Arbeit aufgehalten hat Danke für diesen tollen Kleber, bitte niemals etwas ändern oder aus dem Sortiment nehmen. Ich könnte nicht ohne arbeoten
6 March 2025 11:26
Big love an den UV Kleber
Diesen Kleber habe ich schon sooo vielen meiner Kolleginnen weiterempfohlen und die sing auch alle sehr glücklich und arbeiten sehr gerne damit.
6 March 2025 11:09
Einfach genial!!
Die Klebekraft ist top,mit der passenden UV Lampe härtet er innerhalb von Sekunden aus und hält bombenfest. Genau das,was ich gesucht habe.
Wimpernverlängerung mit UV Licht: Entdecke das LUV System® von CFB Cosmetics® für perfekte Ergebnisse!
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FAQ's: Frequently asked questions about the UV Lash System
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Advantages of the LUV System®
- Regardless of the season
- Independent of the air humidity
- Independent of the room temperature
- No need to shake eyelash glue
- LUV adhesive can be kept for 12 months after opening
- Faster application
- No more sticking
- Fans no longer collapse
- No waste of material
- Lasts until the end
- Gentler on lash tech & client
- Allergy risk reduced by over 80
- Nearly "0" vapors
- UV light kills viruses & bacteria
- Up to 30 % time saving

Step by step guide
Start your journey to perfecting your offer with our award-winning LUV System® - it's simple and straightforward. Follow our exclusive step-by-step guide that will lead you straight to success. With just one click, the door to a world of possibilities opens: learn the secret to success: let our guide inspire you and discover how you can optimally integrate the LUV System® into your service portfolio. PDF download made easy: one simple click and the comprehensive guide is in your hands - ready to take your services to the next level. Download our step by step guide to UV eyelash extensions now and transform your business with the proven quality and innovation of the LUV System®. Your future in the beauty industry starts here - grab it and don't miss out on this advantage!

Many years of experience & tests
Since our pioneering start in 2018 as the first company in Germany, we have been working intensively on the innovative technology of UV eyelash extensions. Our pioneering UV system technology made its debut at the renowned Cosmoprof in Italy, setting new standards in the industry and arousing great interest.
Initially, the UV system was still in its infancy and required a major overhaul to perfectly match the specific needs and requirements of eyelash extensions. Through continuous innovation and adaptation, we have not only improved but revolutionized the system to ensure the highest levels of precision, efficiency and safety. Our commitment to progress and quality has made the UV eyelash extension system what it is today: a leading solution in the beauty industry.

Our LUV System® is award-winning
Experience the revolutionary quality of our LUV System®, which was awarded an outstanding 3rd place in the prestigious Beauty Forum Stars Awards 2023 by the expert readers of Beauty Forum and Wimpernwelt. This prestigious event marks a historic moment as it is the first time a UV system has been honored in this category. Our LUV System® sets new standards in the industry and offers beauty service providers an unrivaled solution that not only increases the efficiency of their work, but also improves the quality of service for their customers. Choose the award-winning LUV System® and give your offering the seal of excellence in innovation and quality that is recognized and valued by industry experts. Embrace a future where advanced technology and excellence go hand in hand.

Application of the eyelash glue drop
For optimum dosing, carefully remove a drop the size of a pinhead directly from the tube without squeezing it. Simply hold the tip of the tube downwards and the glue will come out on its own. If you notice that the drop starts to become more viscous, it is time for a fresh drop to ensure the best possible consistency for your work.

Caution for:
For special customer groups, such as people undergoing chemotherapy, epilepsy, pregnant women or after surgical procedures, we recommend use only after consultation with the attending physician to ensure optimum safety and tolerability.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the LUV System®
Discover our exclusive FAQ video about the LUV System®, in which we answer the most frequently asked questions from our customers in detail. This video is an essential source of information for anyone who wants to learn more about the unique benefits of our LUV System® in the field of UV eyelash extensions. We not only provide you with answers, but also professional tips and in-depth insights to help you choose and use our specialized products. Immerse yourself in the world of professional UV eyelash extensions and discover what makes the LUV System® an outstanding choice in this field. Watch our video now and see the impressive features and benefits of our system for yourself!